Jackson Park


I was commissioned to design and construct a glowing mosaic feature wall in the lobby of Jackson Park, a new Tishman Speyer residential property in New York City. For the lobby's 100 foot long entryway, the interior design team envisioned a large, glowing art wall as the focal point that would not only draw visitors in, but would also help support the wellness of the building's inhabitants. The artistic direction expressed in our initial meeting emphasized qualities such as subtlety, warmth, smokiness, and energy through shape. We moved towards a rich palette of ambers and grays and chose translucent materials that gracefully diffuse light. In keeping with biophilic design principles, one of the selected materials was mica, not only because of its ideal interplay with light, but also because of its powerful healing properties. A natural silicate crystal, mica is thought to remove stagnant energy and help stabilize energy fields. The end result is a 194 sq. ft. mosaic sculpture mounted on a 12’ 6” H x 15’ 4” W lightbox, consisting of mica plates and acrylic resin sheets that are fabricated into tiles of varying lengths, widths, and gauges. All 700 mosaic pieces were backed with high bond adhesive and installed directly to the substrate, piece by piece. When combined with a waterfall, fireplace, and cabana seating, the mosaic feature wall is the centerpiece of a cohesive design: an oasis nestled within a bustling city.